
Monday, September 23, 2013

Mudroom Reveal

When we bought our home in 2009 we were thrilled it had a mudroom, it was small but useable. After a few short years we were finding it harder and harder to function in it with our growing family. We really realized it in the winter with all the snow stuff and when the kids started going to school. So we finally made the decision last year to go ahead an tear down the old and make a new one but much bigger. One of the previous owners of our home had built the mudroom as an after thought and added it on off the kitchen and into the garage. We also have a big pole shed so we only needed enough room in the garage in the winter for out family vehicle. So we made the dimensions of the new mudroom as large as we could and still make it functional as a garage.  I will spare you all the crazy building pictures and get right to the beautiful, functional mudroom we now have. We started the project in April and I have just now put the final finishing touches on it, I am a very indecisive person at times. My wonderful, amazing, and talented Dad and husband did all the work and I am so proud of them! I think this may be my favorite room of my house, anything that makes my life easier as a mother is so worth it!

I hope you enjoy seeing it!

Here is a look from the garage walking into our new mudroom:


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In the picture above the garage is behind me and our kitchen is to the right……..

In the picture below is what we see when we look from the kitchen into the mudroom:

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The beautiful hutch you see in the pictures was given to us by my husbands parents, it was his grandma and grandpa’s and I always remember thinking how beautiful it was. I am so lucky to have it in my home and look at it everyday, it is one of my favorite pieces of furniture!

Below is another picture of the hutch and also some of the decorations I did. We bought the window at a Habitat for Humanity resale store and I sanded it down and painted it. I like the look of older things but with a fresh coat of paint on it! I bought the shutters at the same place as the window and spray painted those, they were plain white and they needed a little color. I think I paid $10 for all three pieces!

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This is just looking back the other way……….on the left goes into the kitchen and the door straight ahead goes out to the garage.

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This little area is for the kids!

I bought the bench and put cloth drawers in it for the baby’s shoes, now he can get them out all by himself! Each one of the kids has one of the cubes on the right for their hats and mittens. It looks cute and then everything is put away and still looks nice, and they can all reach their own things.

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Below is just another view, it shows the coat hooks for the kids to hang their backpacks and coats on also.

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The other thing we wanted to add when we redid this room was a nice big walk-in closet! We use it for pantry overflow, shoes, more coat hanging options, and much more! I tried to keep it real, rarely are the shelves perfectly organized, but that is why there is a door on it! Smile

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I hope you have enjoyed peeking into my home as much as I have loved sharing it with you, if you want to see more check out the links below for more of my Home Tour!


Tour of Outside

Kids/Main Bathroom

Master Bath

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom Walk-in Closet ~ Thrifty Thursday

Colton’s Room

Laundry Room (also a remodel)

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