
Monday, August 5, 2013

I Am Back!!

It is the beginning of August and I am starting fresh and new!

I have not blogged since early June! I can’t believe how fast time flies! Well it is about time I got back to it, don’t you think? If you are new to following me you may not know that my husband lost his job in early May. It was quite devastating for our family and it took A LOT of faith to get us through but my husband found an amazing job and he will be back to work starting this week. It has been fun having him around all summer and the kids are going to have a hard time adjusting to him back to work but it will be great to be back on a schedule. I am not really strict especially in the summer but I do like things a certain way and having my husband around all summer has kind of thrown things off, for the good but I am ready to have things back to normal. Smile

I have some really exciting things to share this coming month and I am excited you are here!. Right now I am just going to try and get back to blogging! I will share things with you soon, stay tuned you won’t want to miss it!

Below is a picture of our family on a vacation we took just last week to Devil’s Lake State Park in Wisconsin. If you are from this area I highly recommend going there, it is beyond beautiful!

photo (16)

We did a lot of hiking, this was one of the highest points we climbed to. Isn’t it beautiful?? We wanted to get in a camping trip before my husband had to start work. We will definitely be going back, hopefully next summer!

photo (17)

Have a great day!


More great posts you don’t want to miss!

Banana Bread Muffins

Crockpot Applesauce

Fun Hairstyles for Little Girls

All Natural Wash for Fruits & Veggies

Don’t miss a post, follow me on Facebook!


  1. You have me curious about what exciting things you have to share! Can't wait!

  2. Looks like tons of fun! Can't wait to hear what you have to share!

  3. Glad to have you back and blogging again!

