
Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break/Easter 2013

After a week off I am back! I intended to still blog even with the kids home for Spring Break but I was just so busy with them it never happened. I am going to have to learn though, I can’t take the whole summer off Smile! Our week didn’t go quite as planned but we made the most of it and still had fun. Last weekend we went to an Easter egg hunt with the kids, it was a lot of fun. Wisconsin egg hunts are a little unique sometimes. This year the kids ended up doing their egg hunt in three feet of snow! It sure didn’t bother them though!

Egg Hunt Collage2

Over the weekend the baby had croup, which he gets a couple times a year and it usually turns into a bad cold. Well it did and then he ended up having strep, thanks to having siblings in school. So Monday and Tuesday were spent at home with a sick baby. The two older kids took a free swimming class all week at the Y, they had a really good time and both want to continue lessons. Also during the week our dear friends little one ended up in the hospital due to low oxygen levels while sleeping so we spent time visiting them the rest of the week and helping with their older kids. It was fun for my kids though to have friends over. So even though things didn’t go as planned we were quite busy! Then Saturday was spent spending time with daddy, coloring eggs and going to a birthday party.

Egg Coloring2

Leon had a great time coloring eggs and a few had to be tossed or eaten because he dropped so many! Smile The older two take the coloring quite seriously! We did four dozen eggs just because they love coloring them so much. Sunday we had an egg hunt, went to church, relaxed during nap time, and then had dinner with my husbands family.

Easter Sunday2

I even got some great pictures of the kids before church! It is rare that they cooperate for pictures, one of them is always making faces or causing trouble Open-mouthed smile.

Happy Easter2


I also made these cute cupcakes for Easter…..CUTE!

Cupcake CHicks

As I said earlier Wisconsin weather is a little unpredictable, we ended up getting a little snow on Easter Sunday. The kids sure thought it was great!


The photo below cracks me up! Leon in wearing my husbands slippers and Colton is wearing my boots! They were in such a hurry to get outside they didn’t even put their own stuff on Smile!


Well I hope you also had a wonderful holiday weekend!

I would love to hear from you, comment below or come say HI on Facebook!



Other great posts by Bonnie:

20 Kids Books Every Home Should Have

Linen Closet Organization

Easy Shower Cleaning Tip

Crockpot Fiesta Chicken

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