
Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Year A New (Healthier) You


I want to share with you a few of the ways my family has changed this past year, striving for a healthier lifestyle. It is truly easier than you think. Let me guess, you think I am going to say start buying all organic and buying foods you have never heard of with ingredients that sound weird and prices just as crazy??? Well yes and no……..I think buying more things organic is great and yes I have been buying more things that way for my family but we still have a budget to stick to. You do have to pick and choose what is important to you being all natural or organic. In the past six months I have switched completely to all natural household cleaners. For me this is incredibly important! I am a stay at home mom who spends most of her time in my home where most toxins are found. I used to clean with products that produced those toxins I was breathing and touching, not to mention my precious little ones were being exposed to them too. I have changed to all natural products that actually save me money, truly work, and are safe for my whole family to use and be around. If you are at all interested in learning more about these products you can find them here. I am open to any and all questions and comments about this subject or these particular products as I am using them and love them, also and as I said before they actually save me money!


fresh 2

So back to healthy eating…….you don’t necessarily have to buy organic to be doing a wonderful and healthy thing for your family. I think the biggest thing you can do is stop eating fast food! I know we all know this, we know it isn’t healthy and it is really expensive. But you say I don’t have time to cook, I am a working mother/father and I don’t have the time. Well it can be a lot easier than you think. I only grocery shop 2 times per month and I plan all my meals out for a two week period before I shop. Again you say I don’t have time to plan out my meals! Again I say it is so much easier than you think. I only spend about ten minutes total before I go shopping making my list and planning my menu.  I have a really great blog posting here about how to quickly and easily plan out meals for a large family only once in a two week period. The other great help in meal planning is a crockpot, this has been such a life saver as a busy mom. You can throw the meal together the night before or with some recipes it only takes minutes and you could do it quick in the morning, turn it on and you have a hot homemade meal ready for your family at dinner time. Usually 2-4 of my meals each week are crockpot meals. I have many posted right here on my blog, some of the favorites have been:

Crockpot Pizza

Crockpot Loaded Baked Potato Soup

Crockpot Ranch Pork Chops

All I am trying to say is give home cooking a try, spend a little time to plan out your meals and use your crockpot more. You will find such a difference in one your grocery/food budget and the health of your family. Find what is truly important for you to change in your family and take it one step at a time. Living a healthier lifestyle may take some time to adjust to but it is truly worth it and just think of what you are teaching your kids that will last them a lifetime! Share with me your thoughts on my post and what you do in your family to live for a healthier tomorrow!

I would love to here from you, comment below or leave a message on Facebook!



  1. I go shopping once a week, and even then, many of the fresh fruits and veggies I buy are "iffy" by the end of the week. How do you plans for two weeks without your produce going bad?

  2. That is really a great question! I do a couple things......1)I try to eat the meals I planned that need the fresh produce first. 2) I also buy canned fruit for the kids so if the fruit doesn't make it the 2 wks we still have some fruit to eat. 3) This may sound silly but I try to wash all my fruits and veggies and store them in containers rather that what they come in and things like grapes will usually last us the 2 wks. I wash all my fruits and veggies with Basic H2, here is a link to the post I did about washing fruits and veggies and about the product that I use! Thanks for reading my posts and leaving a comment, it is great to hear from you! Bonnie

  3. Oops, that didn't come out as a link but if you look to the side bar on the left it shows Amazing Fruit and Vegetable wash and you can click on that link!
