Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year’s Resolutions

2013 is here! 2012 has come and gone, hopefully the past year has brought many amazing things into your life. As all the years tend to go as you get older 2012 seemed to fly by, at least looking back its seems to have.

One thing many people tend to do with a new year is make resolutions. Resolutions to change your life for the better. Lose weight, exercise more, grow/enhance a relationship, eat better, quit smoking, run in a marathon or 5K, connect with old friends, watch TV less, read more, get out of debt…………and the list goes on, it is never ending! We all want to change ourselves and better our lives. No matter who you are we all want that. I think it is human nature to want to be happy and bring happiness to others.

I think the hardest thing about making a resolution is keeping it! We are all hipped up in the beginning and then the excitement fizzles out as our resolution becomes work. Does this look anything like your past resolutions??

resolutions over the years

I think it does for many of us, most years I don’t even remember what it was I wanted to change. I think the key is to right it down and keep it where you can see it everyday, try your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator and remind yourself everyday what you want and why. The why is as important as the what, maybe even more.  As the week goes on I want to do several postings on transforming yourself in the new year. Whether that is to get out of debt, lose weight, or make healthier choices in your life.

The last half of 2012 I was really trying to enhance the lifestyle of my whole family. I am learning about healthier living and trying to apply it to daily life, my children are young yet and I want to instill healthy living into their lives. There is never a bad time to start though, young or old we all want the same thing, to be happy and yes, healthy! I have been working for a health and wellness company for about six months now that is helping me make so many changes in my life, all for the better. I am not saying that what works for me will work for you but I think the same principles apply if your goal is to be healthier  and happier in the new year.

Please follow along with me this week and we can work on our new year transformations together!

Support is the key to success!

Also follow me of Facebook for more tips and inspiration!


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