
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thrifty Thursday

Welcome to Thrifty Thursday~ A place to share and be inspired~

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” – Albert Einstein

So happy to have you here again for Thrifty Thursday Link Party! Again I am co-hosting for Lindsey at Apple of Mama’s Eye, along with Jessica-Working on a Healthier Tomorrow, Krysta Steen, Michelle Muckala, and Julia Kendrick.

Feel free to link up anything family friendly that you've made (recipes, DIY projects, tutorials, etc).
Please no Etsy shops, giveaways, or advertisements.
A link back would be appreciated, either with a text link or the Thrifty Tuesday button from above.
We would love it if you followed our blogs and Facebook pages! We look forward to featuring favorites each week.

Please remember that by submitting a link you are allowing Apple of Mama's Eye, Working on a Healthier Tomorrow, From Nature to Nurture,Krysta Steen, Julia Kendrick and Michelle Muckhala to feature your fabulous work. We will always provide a photo and link back to the original post.

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