
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thrifty Thursday ~ Day 1 of Home Tour

Good Morning it’s Thrifty Thursday! Link up all your great blog postings of the week!
Link party follow home tour!

I have been meaning to do a home tour for a while now I just haven’t gotten to it! Story of my life! Well today I decided it was the day, I took my camera with me down to the bus stop and then I took some pictures quick before I went inside. I decided that I would start by showing you what the outside of our home looks like. It is nothing fancy just and old country ranch home but from the first day we saw it we knew it was for us! I truly love our home! It is the first home my husband and I purchased and we have lived here for 3 1/2 years now. We rented for the first 5 years of our marriage, we didn’t want to buy one until we were sure. Below is a picture of the quiet country road we live on……..It is a dead end so there is very little traffic which is great with the kids!
home tour 1
Here is the front of our home……
home tour 2
And the back of our home…….
home tour 3
Some of the things I love most about our home are…….This is what we see when we look out the front window…….
home tour 4
And this is what we see when we look out the back of our home…..
home tour 5
I love the quite seclusion…….the peace……..being surrounded by trees and nature!
Some of the other wonderful features are…….our deck out back, we spend a lot of time here in the summer and it makes a great outdoor playpen for the little ones!
home tour 6
The play area for the kids……
home tour 7
And last but not least, every country yard needs a great big garage! Also here is our home away from home in the summer time, our camper!
home tour 8
Thank you for joining me on Day 1 of my home tour! I hope to see you back here next week when we head inside!
Head over to Facebook and say HI!


  1. I LOVE camping! I went every summer with my family too, while growing up :) I miss it! Thanks for the tour, it was great! Can't wait to see more.

  2. Wow! I love all your open space and the snow looks so pretty! I does not snow where I live so we have to travel to get to it. Following you on Facebook - have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! We really love our home! I will post some pics after the snow is gone too!
