
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fun Craft to do with a Toddler

One day last week my son and I were bored so we decided to go shopping! We just recently got a Hobby Lobby in our town and I have been in there several times now and I am totally in love with that store! Between Hobby Lobby and Pinterest, I am in trouble! So I checked out some things I have been wanting to make for a while now and I found this cute art project for my son and I to do. It was really easy and you could do it with almost any saying you want. We chose to do this saying ~ Please Excuse Our Mess We Are Busy Making Memories~. How sweet! So I went to Hobby Lobby and found a canvas to put it on and some adhesive letters and came home and got started.


Now seeing as I have never done this I made one small mistake, I got letters that weren’t sticky enough so when my son painted the paint bled under the letters. Not a huge deal, I will show you how I fixed it. I was worried that if they were too sticky they wouldn’t come off though, so I guess it is just going to be trial and error. So this is totally easy and anyone can do it. You can just randomly put the stickers on your canvas or if you are ridiculously picky, like me, you can get your tape measure out and figure it all out exactly. Totally up to you how picky and perfect you want it to be.


If you look close at the picture above you can see all my lines so I had everything straight and even. Then I just started sticking them on, I even flipped the canvas over and rubbed from the back on the table to try getting them to stick a little better.

This is what it looked like before painting:



Next I let my 20 month old son loose with some paints. He started out with a brush……………


but quickly found that it was much more fun doing it with his fingers!


After my boy had fun painting I let it dry for several hours and then pulled off the stickers. That’s when I realized that the stickers weren’t quite sticky enough an paint had gotten underneath them . I have a white paint pen so I just took that and painted over the spots a few times that had bled and this is what we now have!


Just something fun and cute! The baby had fun painting for his first time too! You could do it in any color scheme to match a room or any saying for that matter, whatever your imagination comes up with. Follow me on Facebook so you never miss a new post!




  1. That's adorable, Bonnie, how fun!

  2. What a terrific quote! And how fun that the making of it itself is a memory for your boy! He is lucky to have such a fabulous mom!

    hugs x

  3. Super Cute. Love the message:)

  4. So fun...maybe in my daycare space/play room? I love the project AND the saying:) -Lindsey @ If I Had a Million Hours...

  5. Love it! That needs to be my motto around here.

    I'd love if you shared this at my Show & Tell party this week.

  6. Ohhh, so cute. Love it!
    Hopping by and following your lovely blog's FB. I blog @ Getting Healthy with Essential Oils

    I am also inviting you to join Tiddle Diddle Handmade Shoppe's first giveaway event.
