
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving Tree

Here is a fun project to do with the family this Thanksgiving season. I got this idea from a dear friend of mine and thought it was such a great idea my kids and I had to make one too. We made a Thanksgiving Tree! It was very easy to do and has really brought out the meaning of this holiday season for my children. I want to teach my children to be thankful for the things they have, even the little things. This has made them really evaluate and focus on the many wonderful things in their lives. They are young yet but it is really great for all ages.

Thanksgiving Tree

All we did is go out into the woods and found some tree branches and cut off the sizes we wanted, about 8 of them. We took them off of an Oak Tree in our backyard, any tree will do except an evergreen. You can make your tree as big or as small as you want, we made ours quite large but it still fits on the dining room table. I then stuck the braches in the heaviest vase I had and then weighted it down with rocks in the vase and around the branches. This made it pretty heavy and it hasn’t tipped over yet.

Then each day we cut out a leaf from a piece of construction paper and punch a hole in it and write on one side something we are thankful for and our name on the other side. Even my husband and I are making a leaf each day!

Thanksgiving Tree2

This has been such a fun project and is teaching my children to look for the value in each and every day.

Thanksgiving Tree3 

Please share with us in the comment box below how your family learns to be thankful this time of year, I am excited to hear your story!

Thanksgiving Tree4

Follow me on Facebook at From Nature to Nurture!


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