
Monday, November 26, 2012

Cheese Stuffed Manicotti

I have a wonderful new recipe for you! If your family is anything like mine they LOVE spaghetti! I don’t know about you but I do get sick of it the same old way all the time, so I really like to make other dishes that are similar to spaghetti but yet a little different. So I try to change it up a little and make a few different pasta/marinara sauce recipes now and then. So today I have a recipe I got from a friend called Cheese Stuffed Manicotti! It is delicious but really easy to make and the kids love helping.

Ingredient List:

1 box of Manicotti noodles (found with other pastas, looks like a large tube)

String Cheese

1 Jar of Marinara Sauce

1lb Ground Beef

Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (1-2 cups)

1) Start by boing water and cooking your manicotti noodle, just be gentle with them you want them to stay whole.

2) Then begin browning you ground beef, you can easily make this a vegetarian meal if you want just skip the ground beef.

It will still be delicious!

Also at this time add any desired seasonings to your browning ground beef or plain marinara sauce. Here is our favorite!


3) After pasta is cooked, drain and rinse well.

You don’t want you pasta sticking together, so rinse well and keep moist if you aren’t ready to stuff them right away.


4) After ground beef is browned drain off the grease and add your jar of marinara sauce to it.


5) Lightly grease a 9x13 pan with non stick cooking spray.

If you have a smaller family and you want to make two dinners out of this recipe like I did just lightly grease two smaller baking dishes.

6) Next step is to stuff your manicotti noodles, this is where the kids come in handy and have fun.

Let them stull each manicotti noodle with one piece of string cheese. Place them into desired baking dishes.


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7) After all noodles are stuffed and in the baking dish(es) pour marinara sauce over the top.

Add desired amount of shredded mozzarella cheese and bake until heated through. I think mine took about 30 minutes.

I didn’t even cook my second pan I just threw it in the freezer.




I served it with garlic toast and some fresh fruit! I hope you enjoy this recipe, it sure is delicious yet easy!


Before you leave head over to From Nature to Nurture on Facebook and like my page for more great tips and recipes!



  1. Bonnie, I remember my dad making homemade manicotti when I was younger. It took him FOREVER! I can remember how frustrated he would get stuffing the shells with cheese - and they would split or break... But this is brilliant! I'm definitely getting his recipe and tweaking it with the cheese stick idea! LOVE it!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Bonnie!! I've nominated you for a Liebster Award!

    Head on over to and see what all it entails!!

  3. That is so cool Billie, thanks for sharing!

  4. yummo! will have to try this one! xo L.
