
Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 8: Five Fun Hairstyles!

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! We sure did, it was definitely cold this weekend but we had 2 fun birthday parties on Saturday and Sunday we went to church, watched a very disappointing Packer game and cleaned and put away our Big Blue Truck! I will post some fun pictures of the kids doing this on Facebook, follow me here.  So today I would like to share with you some fun hairstyles for little girls. It seems like we do the same things with my daughters hair all the time so we decided to try some fun new styles. Some take more time than others, so depending on how much extra time we have in the morning determines how fancy we get. We decided to do five different ones for our first posting on this topic, if you really like them please let me know and we will share more!
Day 1: Just a simple French braid on the side.
Day 2: Another fairly simple style, two cute little braids. I made it fun by taking a comb and adding a zig-zag for a part.
Day 3: A little crazier! I don’t know how to describe this one other than zig-zags and a twist!
Day 4: This one is so cute! I just crossed her hair back and forth and finished it with two cute little bows!
Day 5:This is the same as the one above it I just braided each piece also. This one took a good 10 minutes to do, but turned out really cute!
I sure hope you enjoy our week of fun hairstyles! We really had fun deciding each day what to do so we could share them with you! Please share with me if you like them, we would love to do another post on this if you do!!! Please stop by my Facebook page and like me! From Nature to Nurture
                                                                                            Have a great day! Bonnie!


  1. So cute! I saw that you pinned #4, and immediately decided I'd have to do it for C. A has the best hair for all these styles, long and shiny :) Yes, bring on the ideas!

  2. I will have to experiment with my daughter.... usually we don't have the patience to do anything besides a simple pony tail!

  3. It is so fun to do something a little different, even if you only have time once in a while! So glad you enjoy them!

  4. Hey Bonnie!! I love these ideas! I'll have to try them out!!
    I'm Featuring your post this week on Thrifty Thursday!!
    XO, Jessica
