
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 30: Organizing Recipes

Earlier in the month I talked a little bit about menu planning and organizing your shopping list. Today I want to expand that a little but keep it simple by just talking about organizing your recipes. I have so many recipes floating all over and in different cookbooks and now with all my Pinterest recipes things tend to get really unorganized. So I have a pretty simple way to keep them all in one place and neat!
What you will need for this project is:
*A Large 3 Ring Binder
*Clear Plastic Sleeves
*Page Separator's
*White Paper
All of these items you can find at your local office supply store or even Walmart carries them.
I keep all my recipes in clear plastic sleeves because it keeps them clean while I am cooking and prevents them from ripping.
1) Go through all your recipes and type up your favorites or even ones you have wanted to try.
This does take some time to do but I promise it is so worth it!
2) Go through your Pinterest recipes and copy and paste them to your word document to save you from having to type them all up.
This went a lot faster than the recipes I had on hand.
Tip 1: Save a copy of each recipe, either some where on your computer or in a folder on your desktop. This way you can easily share them with others!
Tip 2: Put a picture of each recipe on the bottom of each recipe. This makes it a lot easier to look through your recipes. Think about looking through a cookbook with no pictures verses one with a picture for each recipe. It is much easier and looks so nice! You can copy the images from the recipe page on the internet, use a personal picture of your own, or even look for Google images.
Taking the time to type and print out all these recipes will save you so much time in the future. You will already have them on hand in a convenient place, always ready to use. No more hunting for recipes or wondering what to have for dinner. This makes planning your meals so much easier too, all your recipes are in one book. You page through and find a recipe!
 Please share with me what you think of my recipe organization tips! What do you do to keep all your recipes in order?
Follow me on Facebook @ From Nature to Nurture for more great home and family tips, as well as amazing recipes!

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