
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 24: Car Seat Makeover

Today one of my big projects was to clean out our van. I say this was a project because it was the biggest mess I have ever seen! It seems we have had so much rainy weather lately that I just haven’t been able to do it. So I ended up hauling a grocery bag full of garbage and a grocery bag full of other peoples belongings out of the van. I vacuumed it and wiped it down and then realized that the kids car seats were disgusting. The two older ones are now in the high back booster seats so I don’t really ever take a good look at them, they buckle themselves in and get themselves out. So I decided to take them inside and completely pull them apart and clean them!
This is what they looked like! I know, GROSS! The one on the far right even had stickers stuck all over it.
So I pulled them apart and sprayed them down with my Basic H degreaser. Yes they were that bad I went straight for the degreaser!
As you can see on the pictures above it wasn’t just the pads that needed work, they need a good cleaning on the inside too and I  wanted to get the stickers off. I remember as a kid my dad would always get out lighter fluid if we needed to get something sticky off. Now I have Basic H, which is not only natural and non toxic it is completely safe for my family. My five year old uses it everyday to dust with and I don’t have to worry about him using a chemical cleaner.
So (above) I pulled all the stickers of, wiped everything down, and sprayed the sticker spots and let them soak a little, then wiped those down too. Below is the arm rest that had the layers of stickers on it. I had to spray it down a couple times, let it soak and wiped it off, but it really came off pretty easy with no sticky residue left behind.
Then I sprayed the pads down with Basic H degreaser and threw them into the wash with only a tablespoon of detergent, and then hung then to dry.
Here they are looking like brand new! Notice the brown seat that had stickers on the arm rest and up on the head? All stickers are gone and no sticky residue. I did it all using only two products! These two products were not only safe to me the one using them to clean the seats but to my toddler who was in the house when I was doing and to my children who have to sit in these seats! If you are at all interested in these products you can find them here:
They are both safe and all natural products and the are very economical! They are highly concentrated so a little goes a long way! A 16 ounce bottle of the degreaser only costs about 13 cents to make and I only use a tablespoon of the laundry soap to wash a large load of laundry in my front load washer! Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have, I am happy to help. I hope you have enjoyed my get out and clean post!
Follow me on Facebook @ From Nature to Nurture for more great cleaning tips, organization, and great recipes!

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