
Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 15: White Chicken Chili

Today I have another amazing recipe to share with you, I have been making this for years but I haven’t done so in quite a while. I wasn’t quite sure how it was going to go over with my children, they tend to be very picky. My 7 year old thought it was ok, my 5 year old wouldn’t touch it( which doesn’t surprise me), and my 1 year old LOVED it! So it was a success for a, new to them, dinner. It was also the perfect dinner to end a really rainy and gloomy fall Sunday, I hope you enjoy!
1) Start with 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan. Heat it up while cubing chicken.
2) Cube boneless chicken, however much you need for your family, we have 2 adults and 3 young children and I used 3 large chicken breasts.
It was enough for the meal and enough left over for both my husband and I to have it for lunch Monday.
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3) Add chicken to hot oil in pan.
4) Another important step for me when cooking with poultry is to disinfect my working space.
I took 2 minutes to wash my cutting board and knife and counter space.
I use a product to disinfect called Basic G. It is an all natural and safe germ killer!
5) The next step is to dice up your green pepper and onion and add them to the cooking chicken.
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6) Also add your spices, 2 teaspoons of ground cumin and 4 teaspoons of chili powder.
I added a little less of both of these because I new it would be too spicy for the children,
you can just put the chili powder on the table for those who like the added spice.
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This is what that looks like all mixed together, yummy already!
7) Cook until chicken is cooked and veggies are tender.
8) Stir in 1 can of cream of chicken soup, 3/4 of a cup of water and 2 cans of white kidney beans (also called cannellini).
Strain and rinse cannellini beans before adding them to soup.
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9) Cook until heated through and reading to eat!
ENJOY! Please share with me what you think of this recipe, leave a comment below or follow me on
Facebook @ From Nature to Nurture. Have a wonderful Monday!

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