
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 11: Toy Organization!

Good Morning! I have to admit today was a little rough starting out. My 7 year old daughter was really testing my patience this morning. She cannot stand wearing blue jeans, ever! Most of the time I don’t make a big deal out of it I just let her wear her leggings, but today I guess I was feeling a little bucky, so I insisted she wear her blue jeans, well she was not very happy with me! Do you pick out your kids clothes or let them?? I am just curious what others do.
Now on to our topic of today, organizing the baby toys! When my son was younger I would rotate his toys so he didn’t get too bored of them and it seemed to work for a while. Then as he got older he got so bored with them all. I slowly would bring new things up for him to play with until I realized most of his toys were in the living room and he wasn’t really playing with any of them. This is what my living room looked like earlier yesterday.
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Do you think he has enough toys?
So I decided to go through them all and put most down stairs and add a few new things he hasn’t seen in a while. I also went through them and decided to get rid of probably a 1/4 of them, they were toys that just never got played with. It seemed to really work in the beginning to rotate his toys on a weekly basis, that way he never got sick of them and he always had new (to him) things to do .  So here is an after shot of my living room.
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I kept out only about 1/4 of the books he previously had out and 1/2, if not less of the toys.
Today my little one has spent a lot of time playing with his toys, and this is not something he has done for a while. Usually he will only play with them if I am in the room with him. So I not only did I clean out my living room, I made the job of picking up so much easier by having less toys out, and my son is having more fun with his things!
It may seem like a big job to do this but I assure you it is worth it! Give it  a try and let me know how it turns out for you or share with me how you keep your little one content with his toys and keep the clutter to a minimum in your home!
Have a great day, Bonnie ~ Like me on Facebook to see more great tips on family and home!

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