
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So I thought I would give you a final update on our last days on vacation. We really had a wonderful time with my family, they are wonderful, loving people and I am so glad to have them in my life! As I said in my last post we were going to be going to a small zoo for the day on Thursday. We did end up going despite the rain and had a really good time. The kids didn't seem to mind the rain and the animals were very active. I think our favorite part was the parakeet house and I think my children are close to talking me into buying them each one. There were somewhere around 800 parakeets flying around this enclosure, and you could buy little sticks of food and feed them right out of your hand. So cool!

Leon 15mon                               Adelaide 7yrs                                         Colton 5yrs

For the weekend we had some friends come and spend some time with us too. We took them to the local children's museum and even got a personal tour of the fire department, thanks to my awesome little sister who has been a volunteer firefighter for 3 1/2 years. I am so thankful for my family and the time we got to spend together!!

Daddy & Leon in Engine 1

Aunt Kertin & kids----------->

Now what I hope to begin sharing with you all are some tips for getting the kids back to school. I have a few organizational ideas and even school shopping tips to share. With two kids heading to school this year I have to get us all on a schedule and I hope the things we do to stay organized can help you too! Please feel free to share any comments or questions, I am always open for advise!!

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