
Thursday, July 19, 2012


Welcome to From Nature to Nurture! I am so excited you are here and I can't wait to share my life and fun ideas with you! If you haven't checked out the other pages on my site, please do.

I thought I would share with you all a little bit more about myself. I feel in some ways I am a very different person than before I became a mom. I grew up in a little country town in northern Wisconsin, with two loving, amazing parents, and five siblings. I always new I would have a family, kids were my only true dream for my future.

I knew from a very young age that I wanted kids and a lot of them. I realize three isn't a lot but they sure keep me going! Last fall I sent my first baby to Kindergarten and I have to send my second baby to Kindergarten this fall. I may actually have a clean house for a few hours of the day! I try to keep things very organized and scheduled as much as possible to make all our lives run smoother. I would like to share with you some of the ways I do that.

I also hope to post some healthy lunch options for kids. Even though my children are in school I want to still have a little control of what they eat. It is really hard being a stay at home mom and giving up a lot of control after having complete control for so long. I have done well giving my children roots, but wings are a little harder to give up.

I want to thank each and every one for stopping by and checking things out! I will be on vacation with my children all next week but still hope to keep in touch and maybe find a little time for a new posting. I will be helping my mom scrub her carpets and want to share with you the amazing products we use for some really awesome results!! I hope your day is amazing!


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